Hemp Clones, Pre-Order now!!!

Delivery starts on August until December.

Strain available: Cherry Citrus and The Wife , we will be updating strains as they become available

Ingredients: Hemp

General Growing Tips For Your Hemp Clones

Hemp has different nutritional needs in different stages of the plant’s development. Since you are buying rooted clones, there are only two periods of the plant’s life-cycle that pertain to your grow.


The vegetative stage occurs after the clones have finished rooting and lasts all the way to the flowering stage. During the veg stage, hemp plants are storing up nutrients through absorption in the root system and photosynthesis in their leaves. This store of energy is required for the latter production of flowers. A plant that is unhealthy during its vegetative stage will not produce a maximum yield of CBD later in the mature cola. During the veg stage, hemp plants are especially hungry for nitrogen. They use this nutrient to build new stems at internodes, produce new leaves, and ultimately get ready to produce CBD in their flowers. For this reason, we use a higher nitrogen rate during the vegetative stage. Our preferred rate is an NPK ratio 3:1:2. For field-grown hemp we use 200 lbs of nitrogen per acre. For indoor-grown hemp we use 150 ppm nitrogen on a constant-feed program. Your soil will vary, so make sure to test your hemp crop for your local environment.


The flowering stage is the final phase in the natural reproductive cycle of the plant. Hemp is a photoperiodic plant, which means it will begin the flowering stage as soon as the duration of sunlight declines. Each hemp variety has a small variance to light sensitivity, but a general rule of thumb is that hemp plants begin the flowering stage when day length is less than 12 hours of sunlight. When we see flowering starting to develop, we usually run clear water (with no fertilizer) for about two weeks before we start a high phosphorus and potassium feeding program. We use an NPK ratio of 1:3:4 during the flowering stage and then cut back to clear water again about 2 weeks before harvest. For field-grown hemp we use 160 lbs of nitrogen per acre. For indoor-grown hemp we use 100 ppm nitrogen on a constant-feed program. Industrial Hemp has different nutritional needs in different stages of the plant’s development. Since you are buying rooted clones, you only need to focus on two major periods of the plant’s life-cycle for your grow: vegetative and flowering.

How Many?

3, 10, 100


Cherry Citrus, The Wife