What Could CBD Oil Do for Older Dogs with Arthritis?


If there’s one thing that few dog owners can bear, it’s seeing their four-legged companions suffering in pain.  It is only natural that as dogs get older, they become more prone to developing pain-related conditions that can interfere with their quality of life.  Hence, requiring treatment as administrated by their owners.

One of the more common conditions that affects aging dogs is osteoarthritis.  This is a condition in which the joints of the body break down, often due to wear and tear, which can cause inflammation in the surrounding tissue while limiting their range of motion.

We will talk about studies that have been done relating to using CBD for dogs who suffer from this condition. From there, we’ll touch upon best CBD oil for dogs with arthritis.

Why Dogs Get Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that affects all mammals, especially as they age.  The type of arthritis we’re focusing on is osteoarthritis.  It’s the most common form of arthritis in both humans and dogs, and is a degenerative joint disease.  Immune-mediated polyarthritis is another type of arthritis that can affect dogs, but this is classified as an autoimmune disorder much like rheumatoid arthritis in humans, and therefore is caused by different factors and may not be age-related.

Osteoarthritis as mentioned, is usually the result of wear and tear of the joints.  As we age, the body’s joints begin to break down due to simple overuse.  This condition can be exacerbated by a past injury, causing the joint to weaken and become more vulnerable later in life.

Dogs, like humans, rely on their joints at all hours of the day to execute the most basic tasks.  These include: walking, climbing, reaching, and sitting.  Constant motion day after day will naturally lead to the degeneration of joint tissue.  Eventually, the joints become so degenerated that they develop chronic inflammation, as cytokines from the immune system are sent to the area in an effort to produce a healing response.  This inflammation can cause swelling and redness.  More than anything else, it results in pain that can range from mild to severe.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

Canine osteoarthritis can be difficult to detect, especially early on.  Humans can communicate that they are in physical pain before the condition has truly immobilized certain areas of the body.  Dogs, as a survival instinct, tend to hide the pain that they are in, afraid that presenting it would make them more vulnerable to predators.  Therefore, it is quite common for dog owners to not be aware that the condition is present until it has advanced into a more serious form.

But there are signs to look for that can indicate the presence of the condition early on such as

  • Your dog has changed their daily routine.
  • Maybe the game they used to love playing is no longer inspiring the same level of enthusiasm, because it requires the use of certain joints that are no longer as healthy as they once were.
  • Your dog’s posture has changed.
  • The way in which they move their body when they walk, to avoid relying too much on the affected joints.

More advanced osteoarthritis is easy to spot, as it becomes clear that the dog is avoiding using certain joints as much as possible.  He or she may clearly have a difficult time running, walking, or climbing up stairs.  They may also begin to avoid food, as physical pain commonly reduces a dog’s appetite.

Of course, if you take your dog for regular visits to the veterinarian, you may be able to spot the condition before it becomes too severe.  From there, you can develop a treatment plan that can prevent it from getting worse.

How Arthritis in Dogs is Usually Treated

In order to treat your dog for osteoarthritis, you must see a vet.  They will examine the joints to determine how severe the condition has become.  Then, be able to rule out any other underlying causes.  From there, your veterinarian can develop a treatment plan customized to suit your dog’s particular needs.

Typically, canine osteoarthritis is treated in two ways:

  1. Managing the physical pain, and this is usually done with an oral anti-inflammatory.
  2. The dog is given a treatment to support their joints.  This often relies on certain vitamins and other nutrients to help strengthen the joint tissue.

What Studies Say About CBD for Dogs with Arthritis

Maybe you’ve heard that a growing number of veterinarians are recommending CBD to their canine patients.  Dogs, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system, which sends cannabinoids including CBD to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body.  This process allows cannabinoid receptors to regulate specific bodily processes, with one of them being the inflammatory response responsible for the pain associated with osteoarthritis.  Because dogs and humans share this system, cannabidiol accomplishes the same tasks in their bodies that it does in ours.

In fact, studies have shown that cannabidiol may be particularly useful for this specific condition in canines.  Dogs with osteoarthritis were given CBD on a daily basis.  These findings demonstrate that it may help minimize the pain and inflammation that causes the symptoms associated with the disease.

Talking to Your Veterinarian About CBD for Canine Arthritis

If your dog has canine arthritis, it’s important that you speak with your veterinarian prior to giving them cannabidiol.  Again, they will consider your dog’s medical history, present medications, and specific symptoms.  All of this is to help you decide the best way in which to administer CBD to them for this condition.

Make sure that when speaking with your vet, you ask them questions about their personal experience with administering cannabidiol to dogs, in order to see if they have unique insight from their own firsthand perspective.  Also, make sure that your veterinarian is aware of any other symptoms that your dog may have, that can be related or unrelated to osteoarthritis.

Giving Dogs CBD for Arthritis: What to Know

First and foremost, you should always follow your vet’s advice. We DO NOT recommend stopping other treatments once you begin a CBD regimen.

Today, you can find many CBD products on the market that are made specially for canines.  It’s crucial that you only choose a dog-specific cannabidiol formula, because some CBD products for humans contain essential oils and other ingredients that could potentially be toxic to your dog.

Companies that produce CBD products for dogs almost always supply a milligram strength and dosing guide, that allows you to figure out how much to give them per day based on their body weight.

Finally, make sure that you are consistent with giving your dog CBD.  We know that cannabdiol seems to work cumulatively, meaning that it builds up to become more effective over time.

Best CBD Oil for Dogs with Arthritis

So, what is the best CBD oil for dogs with arthritis?  At CBD Warehouse USA, we offer the CBD Oil for Dogs, which is specially formulated with canines’ needs and bodies in mind.  Available in two unique milligram strengths, this tincture is a highly versatile and extremely clean product containing hemp that has been thoroughly tested by a third-party lab.  It contains cannabidiol and other hemp compounds.  These work together synergistically to promote desirable responses via the endocannabinoid system.

Hemp Derived CBD Oil for Dogs can be administered in three ways:

  • Tincture form
  • Food additive
  • Topical solution

You can experiment with different methods to find what is most agreeable and effective.

Final Thoughts

Osteoarthritis is a potentially debilitating condition that commonly affects older dogs.  Good news is, treatments are available to help them with the pain that they experience.  If you wish to go a natural route, talk to your veterinarian about cannabidiol, and then check out the CBD Oil for Dogs at CBD Warehouse USA.