10 Amazing Hemp Seeds Benefits You Need to Know About This Year


10 Amazing Hemp Seeds Benefits You Need to Know About This Year

We are amazed at the versatility of hemp seeds when it comes to their nutritional value. Learn more about hemp seeds benefits, nutrition, and usage.

Though hemp seeds seem like a health-food trend, history traces the use of hemp back to 8,000 years ago! Ancient people knew then what we know now: that there are many hemp seeds benefits!

Hemp seed comes from the hemp plant, but contrary to popular belief, hemp is not marijuana. It’s in the same family but has different properties and benefits.

10 Hemp Seeds Benefits

So what are some of the benefits of hemp seeds? If you’re curious about this amazing health seed, check out all of the ways it’s used to maximize your health.

1. Fiber

Getting your daily fiber intake is important because fiber helps clear and clean out your digestive system. Hemp seeds boast an impressive 17 grams of fiber per serving! This makes adding fiber to your daily menu incredibly easy.

Your digestive health will thank you for eating fiber from hemp seeds!

2. Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are known as omega-3s and omega-6s. Fatty acids are shown to support the immune system, brain and heart health, depression and anxiety, eye health, and can even benefit a growing baby in utero.

The main source of fatty acids are found in fish, but if you’re opposed to eating fish, or just don’t like it, hemp seeds are a great substitute.

3. Not Just Food

While hemp seeds are mainly consumed for their benefits, but did you know that you can also use them on any part of your body?

If you don’t like eating hemp, there are other ways to reap the benefits of hemp.

There are a variety of hemp seed oils, lotions, shampoos, and other personal care products where you can get hemp seed benefits topically. Combat problems like dry skin, pain, and inflammation through this incredible seed.

4. Lower Heart Disease

Over 600,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year.

Heart disease is linked to high cholesterol. Hemps seeds have been shown to lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation. This can lead to an overall healthier heart.

If you’re on medication for heart disease, talk to your doctor about adding hemp seeds to your diet.

5. Lack of Allergens

Other protein sources like nuts and soy do have a significant amount of protein to aid the human body. However, with the rise of many nut allergies, many people are unable to consume them, and soy is knowns to have high amounts of estrogen, which contributes to certain types of cancer. This is especially difficult if you’re committed to a plant-based diet.

Hemp seeds do not contain any allergens and are a great option for people who wish to avoid nuts or soy.

6. Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and the body needs all 10 of them. Unfortunately, the body by itself cannot produce all of these amino acids, so it needs so help from hemp seed!

Consuming hemp seeds will provide your body with the necessary amino acids to create more protein. Because of this, hemp seeds are known as a ‘complete protein’ meaning they have all the amino acids for protein.

7. Loads of Vitamins

Hemp seeds have an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals including:

  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

There are more than 20 vitamins and minerals in this tiny seed.

8. Skin

Your skin benefits greatly from hemp seed. Skin problems like eczema cause much frustration for people like itching, and over itching causes bleeding. When skin bleeds, this causes an opening in the skin for bacteria to enter.

Applying hemp seed lotion or eating hemp seeds can help manage eczema and reduce dryness and itching.

How to Use Hemp Seeds

So eating hemp seeds sounds wonderful and the perfect way to get many beneficial nutrients into your diet. But what are some ways to incorporate them into your life?

There are plenty of ways you can use hemp seeds.

  • Sprinkle them over a salad, oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt
  • Blend them in a smoothie
  • Eat them straight from the bag
  • Toast them shelled
  • Include them in baked goods like muffins or bread
  • Use them in place of bread crumbs

These are just a few of the ways you can use hemp seeds. Dozens of recipes exist to help you replace unhealthy eating habits with hemp seeds.

Hemp seeds have a nutty flavor, so they may pair well with certain foods instead of others. Try experimenting to see what you like!

Side Effects of Hemp Seeds

Just as there are bountiful benefits of hemp seeds, people could experience side effects. It’s important to be aware of them in case they manifest.

Some people may experience side effects like diarrhea and upset stomach, especially if you’re not used to consuming so much fire.

It’s also possible that hemp seeds may interact with certain medications. So if you’re on medication and you’re unsure if it might negatively affect yours, ask your doctor.

How to Find Hemp Seeds

Anytime you want to try new food it’s important to know where it comes from.

You can find hemp seeds at health food stores and even online. However, it’s important to know where they come from. Most hemp seeds are organic, non-GMO, and some are even flavored.

Do your research before buying a certain brand of hemp seeds to make sure you know what you’re getting.

Ready to Try Hemp Seeds?

The hemp seeds benefits are numerous and nutritional. Adding hemp seeds to your diet can help you stay healthy while enhancing your palette.

Are you looking for the best hemp seeds on the market? We’ve got what you’re looking for! Check out our selection today!