7 Creative Recipes that Use CBD Coffee


7 Creative Recipes that Use CBD Coffee Pods

There are many recipes that can get a delicious boost from CBD instant coffee. Keep reading to get a few delicious ideas.

Coffee is one of the most versatile ingredients. Not only can it be whipped in the mornings and enjoyed in a cozy, warm mug, but you can incorporate instant coffee in a wide variety of recipes.

CBD coffee Pods gives you not only the caffeine buzz you are looking for but also the benefits of CBD as a whole. If you are in a recipe rut, then look no further than this article. Keep reading to learn the seven creative recipes that use CBD instant coffee.

1. Coffee Milkshake

If you want to make your coffee cooler, try a coffee milkshake.

Not only CBD coffee Pods are perfect for this recipe since there is no brewing time, and it adds an extra flavor to your milkshake.

Here’s what you will need:

  • Two scoops of your favorite vanilla or chocolate ice cream (can be dairy-free or frozen yogurt.)
  • One CBD coffee Pod
  • 1/2 cup of milk so the ice cream thins out (You can use almond or oat milk)
  • Chocolate syrup (or caramel) for topping.

Combine all contents in a blender and blend until silky smooth. Then top with chocolate or caramel, or leave it plain. It is up to you!

2. Bailey’s Instant Coffee Drink

Who doesn’t love Bailey’s Irish Cream? It is a staple in the wintertime and makes you feel oh-so warm and fuzzy.

This recipe is pretty plain and simple but is sure to be a hit at your next holiday party.

Here’s what you will need:

  • 8oz of boiled water
  • One CBD coffee Pod
  • Half a shot of Bailey’s Irish Cream
  • Ground cinnamon and whip cream for serving (optional)

First things first, get your kettle going by filling it up with cold water. Then, once it reaches a boil, pour into your mug. From there, add a teaspoon of your instant coffee and then half a shot of Bailey’s.

From there, you can stir it all up and enjoy it. For some extra pizazz, top it off with some whipped cream and cinnamon to add some warm spice.

3. Up Your Oatmeal With Some Instant Coffee

Oatmeal is an incredibly nutritious and delicious breakfast, and another great way to add some flavor is to add some CBD coffee Pod to the mix.

Whether you make oatmeal fresh or use instant oatmeal, this recipe works either way. Once you prepare your oatmeal as desired (Tip: opt for almond or cashew milk for a creamier taste), add a teaspoon of your CBD instant coffee to the bowl.

Stir it up, add some nuts or chia seeds for some texture, and enjoy.

Coffee and oatmeal are a match made in heaven. Add some kick to your oats by incorporating a teaspoon if your CBD coffee. Pod If you’re feeling super decadent, you can even try mocha overnight oats with instant coffee.

4. Have a Sweet Dessert With Coffee Cookies

Who doesn’t love cookies?

If you are bored with the run-of-the-mill chocolate chip cookies, then these coffee cookies are the best new recipe to try to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Here’s what you will need:

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • One egg
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • One CBD coffee Pod
  • One teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups of dark chocolate chips

With your oven set to 350 degrees, combine the sugars, egg, and butter and whip until it reaches a delectable, creamy texture.

From there, add in your dry ingredients and chocolate chips until well combined. Spread out on a cookie sheet; each cookie should be about 1/4 a cup. Bake for 14 minutes and let cool before digging in. If you want to get extra fancy, try making some cappuccino cookies with a similar recipe.

5. Instant Iced Coffee

Listen, if it’s early in the morning, you want your coffee, and you want it now.

Instant iced coffee is a delicious and quick way to get your morning fix, and it’s especially delicious on a hot summer day.

Here’s what you will need:

  • One CBD coffee Pod
  • 12oz glass filled with cold water
  • Ice (your desired amount)
  • Creamer of choice

Combine your instant coffee in the glass of ice-cold water, add in your creamer, and stir until well combined. The instant coffee should dissolve within minutes.

Top over ice or pop the cubes in the glass, it’s up to you. Add some sweetness with some whipped cream and chocolate syrup with a sweet morning treat. (Tip: you can even skip out on the water and just use the milk for an extra creamy iced coffee drink.)

6. Instant Coffee Chai Latte

Do you love chai? Well, instant coffee gives it an extra kick.

This can be made hot or iced, but whichever way you want to make it, here is what you will need:

  • One coffee Pod
  • One brewed chai tea bag
  • Milk or milk substitute
  • Ice

First, brew the chai tea bag extra strong with a little bit of water. This will allow the chai to have more flavor. From there, add instant coffee and milk.

Combine the contents together, sprinkle some cinnamon on top, and serve. If you want, you can pour over ice for a summer-friendly version of this treat.

7. Instant Coffee Icing

Yep, you can use your favorite instant coffee as an icing.

To add this delicious treat to your baked goods, here is what you will need:

  • One teaspoon of instant coffee
  • 1 cup of powdered sugar
  • 1/2 stick of butter
  • Two tablespoons of brewed coffee

From here, whip the contents together with a hand mixer. Then let sit and add into a piping bag to top off your favorite sweet treat.

Best Recipes for CBD Coffee Pod

With these top seven recipes for CBD coffee pod, you will be able to add your favorite beverage into some delicious meals and treats.

If you want only the highest-quality CBD, we are here for you. Check us out for more information.