Does CBD Have Any Side Effects?

CBD Facts: Does CBD Have Any Side Effects?

Will taking CBD give me any side effects? If you’re asking yourself this question, make sure you keep reading to learn some helpful CBD facts.

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One in seven U.S. adults uses CBD products, according to a recent Gallup poll. And, with all the buzz around CBD recently, it’s hard not to be curious.

Are you thinking about giving CBD a try but feel nervous? Are you wondering if there are any CBD side effects?

Stick with this article. We’ll take a closer look at all the CBD facts you need to know, including CBD oil benefits and side effects.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a phytocannabinoid found in the cannabis plant.

While cannabis is most well-known for its psychoactive properties, this is due to the presence of another phytocannabinoid called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short. THC and CBD are two of hundreds of phytocannabinoids that have been found to exist in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD won’t get you high.

Cannabis has a long history of medicinal, ritual, and functional use throughout human history.

Indigenous to the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia, people in China and Japan as far back as the Neolithic age were using the plant to make rope and fabric. While it’s unclear when humans discovered the psychoactive properties of cannabis, the oldest archeological evidence for the burning of the plant dates back to 3,500 BC, found in Romanian kurgans.

CBD is derived from cannabis plants that have very low THC levels, legally defined as containing less than .3% CBD.

With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the production of industrial hemp became commercially possible all across the country. This accounts for the massive boom in popularity and production of CBD products, with them appearing everywhere from upscale boutiques to your local gas station.

What Are the Benefits of CBD?

The world of CBD research is still in its infancy, but there is a lot of optimism around the potential health benefits of this phytocannabinoid.

So what are CBD oil effects on the positive side of things?

Today, people use CBD for a wide range of conditions. Some people believe that taking CBD has a positive impact on their anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, menopause side-effects, attention deficit disorder, cancer, and cancer-treatment side-effects.

According to the same Gallup poll referenced earlier, most American CBD users use products containing the phytocannabinoid for non-specific pain, followed by anxiety, sleep-aid, arthritis, migraines, and stress.

One medication has been approved by the FDA that contains CBD. Used to treat rare forms of epilepsy, this drug goes by the name of Epidiolex.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is research to suggest that CBD could potentially have therapeutic benefits for these health conditions:

  • multiple sclerosis
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • pain
  • psychosis
  • hypoxia-ischemia injury
  • inflammatory diseases
  • infection
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)
  • diabetic complications
  • cardiovascular disease

Whether your thinking about trying CBD for its stress-relieving potential or a more severe condition, it’s worth the time to check out the various studies that have been performed thus far on CBD and it’s potential effects.

How Do You Take CBD?

CBD can be used in many different forms.

You can ingest CBD orally by taking tinctures, capsules, or edible products containing CBD.

If you’re interested in CBD to help with muscle aches and pains, a good option is applying CBD topically. Topical CBD targets the desired area quickly and effectively and is a favorite of novice and pro athletes alike. You can even find CBD available in products like shampoos, lotions, and bath bombs.

CBD can be smoked and vaped as well. You can either use the CBD cannabis flower, vape pens, or dabs to inhale CBD.

Potential CBD Side Effects

CBD is considered to be relatively safe and well-tolerated, but there is some potential for CBD adverse effects.

It’s important to talk to your physician before trying CBD products because it is known to interact with a number of different medications. Checking in with your doctor will ensure that you aren’t taking any prescriptions or supplements that could interact in a harmful way.

If you’re taking any medication that has a “grapefruit warning,” you should steer clear of taking CBD. This is because both CBD and grapefruit interfere with a group of enzymes called cytochromes P450 (CYPs) that are vital in the process of drug metabolism.

Some people have experienced side-effects from intaking CBD like diarrhea, fatigue, and appetite, and weight change. Other common side-effects are low blood pressure, dry mouth,  drowsiness, and light-headedness.

There’s also been a study involving mice that were fed substantial doses of CBD that indicated that CBD-rich cannabis extracts could cause liver toxicity.

It’s unclear whether CBD is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s best to avoid taking CBD if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, so your fetus or infant isn’t exposed to potentially harmful ingredients.

Learning the CBD Facts First Can Let You Try It With Confidence

It’s always good to do your research before trying something new.

The scientific and medical community still has a lot of work to do in researching the potential benefits and drawbacks of using CBD. Though CBD is generally considered safe, it’s always best to check in with your physician before incorporating it into your health regime.

Did you love this article filled with CBD facts about CBD effects? Are you looking for more informative content about all things CBD? If so, don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog! Is it time for you to give CBD a try? Head over to our store and shop our wide selection of CBD products!